New Research Confirms: Elevated Omega-3 Index Lowers Stroke Risk

An extensive review of 29 studies involving 183,000 subjects demonstrates that higher omega-3 PUFA levels are significantly associated with a reduced risk of total and ischemic strokes, without influencing hemorrhagic stroke risk.
January 17, 2024 by
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Introduction: The Rising Global Challenge of Stroke

In a world where stroke remains a major cause of death and disability, the findings of a new comprehensive study on omega-3 fatty acids and their impact on stroke risk couldn't be more timely. According to a recent report in The Lancet Neurology, stroke is not just a health crisis but an escalating global challenge that could lead to nearly 10 million deaths annually by 2050, particularly affecting low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). With the potential costs soaring to US$2 trillion per year, the urgency to find effective prevention strategies has never been greater.

This report by the World Stroke Organization and The Lancet Neurology underscores the dire need for pragmatic solutions in addressing the growing burden of stroke. The epidemiological analysis paints a concerning picture: a projected increase in stroke deaths from 6.6 million in 2020 to 9.7 million in 2050, highlighting a stark disparity between LMICs and high-income countries. The economic analysis indicates a more than doubling of stroke-related costs.

Overview of the Study

In this context, a groundbreaking study involving a substantial cohort of 183,291 participants across 29 international studies has cast new light on the relationship between omega-3 fatty acids and stroke risk. This pivotal research in cardiovascular health, spanning a median period of 14.3 years, focused on the impact of varying levels of eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) on stroke occurrence. Published in the esteemed journal Stroke, the findings reveal a significant association between higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids and a reduced risk of total and ischemic strokes.

Key Findings

  • Reduced Stroke Risk: Individuals in the highest quintile for omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA) showed a 17% to 18% lower risk of total and ischemic strokes compared to those in the lowest quintile. This correlation remained robust, even after excluding participants with preexisting cardiovascular diseases (CVD).
  • No Increased Risk for Hemorrhagic Stroke: The study dispelled concerns that high omega-3 levels might increase the risk of hemorrhagic strokes due to their blood-thinning effects, finding no significant association between omega-3 levels and hemorrhagic stroke risk.
  • Mechanisms of Action: Omega-3 fatty acids, known for their anti-inflammatory, anti-platelet, and hypotriglyceridemic properties, are believed to reduce stroke susceptibility. They contribute to decreased arterial stiffness, enhanced endothelial function, and lower blood pressure, all crucial in preventing ischemic strokes.

Enhanced Implications for Healthcare Practitioners and Integration of Omega-3 Index Plus Test Kit

This study has profound and multifaceted implications for healthcare practitioners. It highlights the importance of monitoring and actively managing omega-3 fatty acid intake, especially in patients at increased risk of ischemic strokes. The study endorses including omega-3-rich diets or supplements in stroke prevention strategies. In this context, our patented MAG-O3 ™ monoglyceride-rich omega-3 supplements are particularly beneficial.

The integration of the Omega-3 Index Plus Test Kit in clinical practice is reinforced by these findings. This test accurately measures a patient's omega-3 levels, providing deeper insights into their stroke risk profile. This allows healthcare practitioners to tailor dietary and supplement recommendations more effectively. Our MAG-O3™ products, with their high concentration of monoglycerides omega-3, offer a unique advantage by ensuring enhanced absorption and bioavailability of omega-3 fatty acids, thereby potentially maximizing the protective effects against ischemic strokes.

Incorporating the Omega-3 Index Plus Test Kit and recommending high-quality supplements like MAG-O3™ enables healthcare practitioners to effectively target omega-3 levels associated with the lowest risk of ischemic stroke. This strategy is aligned with the latest scientific research and offers a practical, non-pharmacological method to significantly impact patient health and stroke prevention.


The study provides compelling evidence for the protective role of omega-3 fatty acids against ischemic strokes, offering healthcare practitioners actionable insights to enhance their clinical decision-making and patient care strategies. As our understanding of the diverse benefits of omega-3 fatty acids expands, their integration into routine healthcare practice, particularly for stroke prevention, is becoming essential. Our MAG-O3™ products, with their superior absorption and bioavailability, stand as an ideal choice in this preventive healthcare approach, aligning with the latest scientific advancements to offer significant contributions to patient health and wellness.

  • O'Keefe JH, Tintle NL, Harris WS, et al. Omega-3 Blood Levels and Stroke Risk: A Pooled and Harmonized Analysis of 183 291 Participants From 29 Prospective Studies. Stroke. 2024;55(1):50-58. doi:10.1161/STROKEAHA.123.044281
  •  The Lancet Neurology, 'Pragmatic solutions to reduce the global burden of stroke: a World Stroke Organization–Lancet Neurology Commission,' Systematic review, The Lancet Neurology, 9-Oct-2023.
About EB Supplements

EB Supplements is at the forefront of nutritional science, committed to advancing healthy aging through evidence-based research and innovative nutrient delivery technologies. Our mission is to enhance health outcomes by providing cutting-edge solutions, including our flagship product, MAG-O3™, a monoglyceride-rich omega-3 supplement.

Our focus on bioavailability is central to our approach, ensuring the maximum efficacy of essential nutrients. The patented MAG-O3™ technology exemplifies this, offering superior omega-3 fatty acid absorption crucial for cardiovascular health and chronic disease prevention.

We also prioritize educating healthcare professionals and consumers on evidence-based nutritional strategies, exemplified by our Omega-3 Index Plus Test Kit, which personalizes health regimens.

Learn more about our products

January 17, 2024
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