What is Inflammaging?

Potential impact of MAG-O3™
October 27, 2022 by
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Many factors influence healthy aging. Some of these, such as genetics, are not in our control. Others, however, such as diet, exercise, stress management and taking care of our mental health — are firmly within our reach. Inflammaging — or the immune changes that occur in response to the lifelong stressors we are exposed to— is a modifiable factor but one that has eluded us until now.

MAG-O3 is a revolutionary monoglyceride omega-3 rich fish oil offered in a novel lipid delivery form that boosts the bioavailability and absorption of omega-3 fatty acids in a way that other fish oils simply cannot. Because of its superior absorption, MAG-O3 can dramatically improve the body’s AA/EPA ratio, which is central to healthy aging by fighting Inflammaging. Discover MAG-O3 today and say hello to a younger, healthier, and more vibrant tomorrow!


What is Inflammaging?

Aging and age-related diseases are both primarily caused by inflammation. Indeed, as we age, chronic, low-grade inflammation — or inflammaging — develops, which predisposes us to many age-related diseases and hastens the physical manifestations of aging (wrinkles, grey hair, etc.).

 The inflammaging concept was first introduced in 2000 by Professor Claudio Franceschi, director of the Center for Biophysics, Bioinformatics, Biocomplexity at the University of Bologna, in his visionary article entitled “Inflammaging: an evolutionary perspective on immunosenescence."

 Prof. Franceschi proposed an evolutionary vision of the immune changes that occur in response to our exposure to lifelong stressors. He demonstrated that these immunological changes were caused by a loss of control over systemic inflammation, thus resulting in chronic overstimulation of the immune system – or inflammaging.

 Indeed, the inability to control systemic inflammation causes chronic, low-grade inflammation to develop in the absence of overt infection, and can contribute to the onset of age-related pathologies. Unsurprisingly, inflammaging is also a significant risk factor in mortality and morbidity in the aging population. Fortunately, modifiable diet and lifestyle factors can act like natural anti-inflammatories and protect us against and downregulate age-related inflammation.


The Importance of AA: EPA Ratio

Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFAs) that are "essential" because the body cannot make them, so they must come from food and/or supplementation. Due to the inflammatory nature of omega-6 fatty acids metabolites, an imbalance of omega-6s to omega-3s in the diet can contribute to many chronic diseases, including type II diabetes, heart disease, obesity, arthritis, and many others.

Unfortunately, while our ancestors’ diets provided a roughly equivalent ratio (1:1) of omega-3s to 6s, the modern diet offers a balance of 20:1 of omega-6s to 3s. This is incredibly problematic because omega-6s can naturally induce a PRO-INFLAMMATORY response, while omega-3s an ANTI-INFLAMMATORY one. Our AA:EPA ratio, thus, is largely controlled by the food we eat.

A person’s AA:EPA ratio shows their percentage of arachidonic acid (AA) – the primary “pro-inflammatory” omega-6 (found in vegetable oils, butter, poultry and red meat) – to eicosapentaenoic acid (EPA) – the principal “anti-inflammatory” omega-3 (found in fatty fish). This ratio indicates the level of inflammation in the body, so it is a good barometer of overall health. Indeed, the AA:EPA ratio in red blood cells is a critical yet newly identified biomarker of the body's inflammatory status.

Fortunately, research has shown that taking an omega-3 supplement is the best  way to increase EPA in plasma and red blood cells and can dramatically modify our AA:EPA ratio. Supplementation with omega-3s has also been shown to promote healthy aging and help prevent age-related diseases like atherosclerosis, Alzheimer’s disease, osteoporosis, and others.


Understanding Essential Fatty Acid Ratios & Inflammation

You can estimate your omega-6 to omega-3 ratio by dividing the sum of omega-6s in the diet by the sum of omega-3s. This ratio provides an overall measurement of your essential fatty acid status and is a reliable indicator of the inflammation in your body. The target range for a healthy omega-6: omega-3 ratio is 3:1 and 5:1.

 The AA:EPA ratio, however, is a better indicator of chronic systemic inflammation and your body's potential for healthy aging.

  • An AA:EPA ratio between 1.5 and 3 is considered healthy/low risk
  • An AA:EPA ratio between 3 to 11 is a moderate risk
  • An AA:EPA ratio between 11-15 puts you at an elevated risk
  • A ratio of 15 or above is a high risk
  • The optimal AA:EPA ratio for healthy aging and to prevent age-related diseases is 1.5

 Supplementing with omega-3 fatty acids can dramatically improve your AA:EPA ratio, help protect your overall health and promote healthy longevity. However, omega-3 supplements are not all created equal, like everything in nature. Most of the High EPA omega-3 supplements on the market are offered in Esterified Ethyl Ester (EE) form because they are cheaper to produce. This is highly problematic because research has shown that Ethyl Ester omega-3 supplements are far inferior at raising EPA to AA ratios in the body.

Enter MAG-O3™

MAG-O3 monoglyceride fish oil, a clinically researched patented lipid absorption technology, is a game-changer since it enhances the absorption of omega-3 fatty acids through its self-emulsification power. Indeed, MAG-O3, an innovation by renowned nutrition researcher Dr. Samuel Fortin, offers omega-3 monoglycerides – MAG-EPA and MAG-DHA, in readily absorbable and self-emulsified forms. MAG-O3 fatty acids are easily absorbed in the gastrointestinal tract and metabolized into bioactive metabolites resulting in up to 3 times higher plasma concentrations of EPA+DHA. Preliminary result from our on-going clinical study shows that supplementing with MAG-O3 can rapidly improve your AA:EPA ratio, reduce your biomarkers of inflammaging, help you protect yourself against age-related diseases, and promote healthy longevity.

As a bonus, MAG-O3 monoglyceride fish oil supplements, unlike conventional omega-3s, are easy on the stomach and do not cause the usual GI symptoms associated with omega-3s such as indigestion, fishy burps, gas, and flatulence. MAG-O3 has been extensively studied and is currently under investigation in numerous academic institutions for its potential benefits in several ground-breaking research areas, including cancer prevention.

 Start supplementing with MAG-O3 today to promote healthy aging and longevity!

 Click here to learn more about patented MAG-O3 monoglyceride omega-3-rich fish oil.

Buy our MAG-O3™ Products

October 27, 2022
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